Who we are
Reinhard Schäler
Founder, Localisation Research Centre
Reinhard Schäler has been involved in the localization industry in a variety of roles since 1987. He has attracted more than €5.5m euro in research funding and has published more than 50 articles, book chapters and conference papers on language technologies and localization. He has been an invited speaker at EU and international government-organized conferences in Africa, the Middle East, South America and Asia.
He was a Principal Investigator in the Centre for Next Generation Localisation (CNGL), a lecturer at the Department of Computer Science and Information Systems (CSIS), University of Limerick, and the founder and director of the Localisation Research Centre (LRC) at UL, established in 1995. In 2009, he established The Rosetta Foundation. He is the founder of An Saol, a foundation that aims to to raise awareness of the challenges facing the survivors and families of severe Acquired Brain Injury (sABI).
Dr. Tabea De Wille
Director, Localisation Research Centre
Dr. Tabea De Wille holds an MA (Magister Artium) in German and English Linguistics from the University of Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany and an MSc Multilingual Computing and Localisation from the University of Limerick, Ireland. She has completed her PhD studies at the University of Limerick, Ireland within CNGL II, where she has examined perceived quality in the context of crowdsourced localisation.
Tabea has in the past worked in the localisation industry, primarily in video games localisation and is currently a lecturer at the University of Limerick.
e-mail: tabea.dewille@ul.ie
phone: +353 61 213176
room: CS2-022
Dr. Chris Exton
Research Director, Localisation Research Centre
Dr. Chris Exton is currently a senior lecturer in the department of Computer Science and Information Systems at University of Limerick and is the Research Director of the Localisation Research Centre. He holds a B.Sc. in Psychology and a Ph.D. in Computer Science from Monash University, Melbourne. He has worked extensively in the commercial software development field in a variety of different industries and countries included Software Engineering positions in Australia, Ireland and the UK, where he has worked in a number of diverse companies from electronic manufacturing to banking.
In addition his academic positions includes a number of Schools and Departments including Monash University Australia, University College Dublin and Uppsala University, Sweden. He has worked on a number of research projects in the area of crowdsourcing, programmer psychology and software tools and more recently in the areas of software localisation and medical decision support systems.
He has researched and published in these areas for over 15 years, as well as taking an active role as a reviewer for the International Journal of Software Maintenance and Evolution, Localisation Focus-The International Journal of Localisation and The Software Quality Journal.
e-mail: chris.exton@ul.ie
phone: +353-61-213108
room: CS1-026
Karl Kelly
Technical Officer, Localisation Research Centre
Karl Kelly has a Higher Diploma in Software Development, a Graduate Diploma in Software Localisation and B.A in European Studies, majoring in Spanish and French. He also has NCVA and RSA qualifications in Information Technology and Business Administration. Karl joined the LRC in March 2003.
e-mail: karl.kelly@ul.ie
phone: +353-61-202748
room: CS2-030